Everyday rituals to embrace for a slower life

Living a slower pace of life is something that should come naturally, not a lifestyle that can be forced. It’s about embracing those small moments that we are used to rushing through, and learning to appreciate every little detail. As you learn to pause and slow down, everyday rituals will begin to emerge. You’ll learn which parts of your daily routine you enjoy lingering over and get the most joy out of – but here are some of our own suggestions, of the slow rituals that we make the time for each day.

Emma Lavelle

Emma is a writer, photographer and nature lover living in the English countryside. She writes about slow travel, simple living and sustainable style while shooting self-portraits and nature. Through her work she focuses on telling stories themed around living a slower and more sustainable life. She loves long hikes, wild swimming, getting lost in a good book and feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin. Emma fully embraces slow travel, enjoying road trips, train journeys and discovering tranquil spots off the beaten track.


Tour de l’Amour, Sofia de Moser Leitão checks into Pénde Natura Residences


Travelers: at home with Valentina Barabuffi