The conscious traveler
This is an excerpt from my book, Barefoot Living that will launch soon.
Travel is something that enlightens our lives, allowing us to take a break from reality and discover new places all around the globe - but did you know that it’s also good for both our physical and mental healths? It may seem like the perfect excuse to jet off on yet another holiday but it’s true. Our adventures and explorations around the world have positive benefits on our health and wellbeing.
My life and work are based around travelling, and over the years I have become a more conscious traveller. I built a company based around the concept of slow travel, but it’s not an easy job. Flying is not sustainable, but sometimes it is the only option to reach your destination. Where possible, you can choose to take a train or a boat instead of flying, or you can offset your carbon footprint. Being a more conscious traveller isn’t just about how you travel though. It’s also important to be mindful of where you choose to visit. There are many places around the world that are currently struggling with a huge volume of tourists and are asking people to stay away during certain times of the year. There are so many interesting places to discover, so why not choose somewhere a little more off the beaten track for your next trip?
When you are away, live like a local rather than a tourist, frequenting restaurants, bars, shops and markets run by the local community. Avoid big chain hotels and restaurants and opt for boutique options, paying attention to those with eco-friendly chains. Look for locally-grown food, locally-made souvenirs and natural energy sources, helping to support the communities you are visiting at the same time as lowering your carbon footprint.
Respect the local environment while exploring, always remembering to clean up after yourself and leave places exactly as you found them. Don’t leave litter, recycle your waste, keep to the paths and don’t remove items such as shells or wildflowers to take as souvenirs. Treat your destination how you would wish someone else to treat your home. Be aware that travel is a privilege, and one that adds to your carbon footprint. When you travel, travel wisely and consciously, respecting the environment that you visit.