Inside Natalia Zapata's Bachelorette Tour du Monde: Colombia's Pacific Coast

Natalia Zapata is a citizen of the world. We’ve followed her through her California road trip and now, along her bachelorette trips around the world: from Mexico, Cuba and New York to the Colombian Pacific Coast. A tour du monde with a crowd of cool-girls from all over the globe… now it’s time for El Pacífico.

Most memorable experience?

Seeing whales from our small boat – a breathtaking experience! 

Favorite place to hang out and relax?

There’s a very scenic beach in Ladrilleros where the water creates mirroring puddles along a vast extent of sand.  It’s almost poetic. We stopped here for a few hours and chilled out while tanning, drinking cocolocos out of fresh coconuts and playing some music. 

All-girls-approved breakfast spot? 

We rented a perfect cottage on a cliff, so we did most of the cooking ourselves. Hence, our all-girls-approved breakfast spot was none other than our outdoor dining table!  

Where to dance until the sun comes out?

Somewhere in Juanchaco, there’s this amazing little hut with dim lights, sandy floors and great music. From pacific tunes to salsa and waves, this is the place to be if you’re into partying barefoot with a pareo around your waist. No pretenses – just an easy breezy night out with friends.

Where to souvenir-shop? What should we take as a souvenir? 

A local tienda! Buy a bottle of locally-made viche and a straw woven fan.

For a hangover day – where to go?

Definitely: straight to the outdoor shower in the house’s backyard. Cool waters in front of heavenly views – nothing better for a hangover.

Any day trips you recommend?

Offshore, we found a place with beautiful waterfalls and natural pools. It’s a refreshing trip outside of Ladrilleros and the views are just stunning.

What to eat?

Have one of the talented cooks in town make their famous rice with shrimp or a fried snapper with jojobo juice for lunch. For desert, eat cocadas, traditional coconut confectionery, at one of the local shacks. 

How to spend the final day of the trip?

The yard in front of our beach cottage was flawlessly green and had clear views of open sea and sky. The few small islands perched ahead and the occasional dolphin (we literally woke up to dolphins) made the spot effortlessly perfect. No better place to end the trip.


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