
Travel Healthy
Wellness, Food Fernanda de la Puente Wellness, Food Fernanda de la Puente

Travel Healthy

What do you do on a plane so you don’t feel foggy, scattered, exhausted, and jet-lagged when you arrive at your destination? A 10-hour fast. I know, sounds scary, but trust me it works.

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How to experience the world through a Wabi Sabi Philosophy
Wellness María Ramírez Gozalo Wellness María Ramírez Gozalo

How to experience the world through a Wabi Sabi Philosophy

We are in a time of change, we need to learn to perceive the world in a different way. It is the ideal moment to take time, to reflect, observe and listen.

Wabi Sabi is a Japanese aesthetic current that appreciates the imperfect and incomplete. It is a state of the heart and its secret is to see the world through it and not through the logical mind. It invites you to live life more relaxed, to find calm and to enjoy it. It shows you little by little that beauty can be found in the places you least expect, experiencing the true beauty of nature and accepting the cycle of life.

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Wellness, Creativity María Ramírez Gozalo Wellness, Creativity María Ramírez Gozalo

Regaining Creativity

“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.” – Leo Burnett

It's kind of ironic sitting here writing about how to regain creativity and inspiration, when I've been staring at the screen for half an hour without knowing where to start. But then I realized that it happens to all of us at some point, even great creatives like the one I just mentioned.

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