Hôtel Weekend | Barefoot Luxury for the Modern Nomad

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A note from our founder

It’s been a long and exciting journey since I started Hôtel Weekend. A lot has happened on the way, I’ve met amazing people who are now part of my closest friends, I’ve travelled to incredible places, I’ve made bad decisions, and really good ones. I’ve dreamt, I’ve learned so much. And there’s still a long, long way to go.

Hôtel Weekend started as a way to share the places I loved and where I wanted to go. Since then, it has evolved into a big community of conscious travelers, with a shared spirit of exploring the world at a slower pace. If you are here, we probably share a passion for traveling, discovering new cultures and beautiful places around the world. We respect our planet, and want to give back. We want to meet like-minded individuals around a table full of good food, music, and buena vida.

The idea of the Hôtel Weekend Club came to me back in 2019 during a night of aguardientes in Santa Marta, Colombia with my friend Eric. We were talking about what the magic of Hôtel Weekend was, and I mentioned it was our community. I’ve seen our contributors and brands meet and work together. Our dear friend Clara Diez created a bag in collaboration with Emily Levine after our Mallorca retreat. Clementina from The Palmist has collaborated with Hôtel Magique, one of the first brands that we stocked at the Souvenir Shop. I’ve seen stories of Natalia Zapata enjoying a gelato with Valentina Barabuffi in Florence. So many beautiful and special things have come from these connections. I thought there should be a place for this magic to happen, from gatherings under the Mediterranean sun to wine nights in Madrid, New York or Berlin. And why not, to be able to enjoy some of our benefits individually or with your own friends, too.

Then 2020 happened and life was holding me back. A pandemic, health issues, a business “break up” and an emotional rollercoaster, all together in the same year. 2020 was one of the most difficult years of my life, I had just lost my baby during pregnancy complications. Fast forward to 2021, I’m pregnant again! This time, a 9 month mandatory bed rest was in the horizon. I knew it was going to be hard for me as I’m so used to travel, connecting and being outside, it was another BIG pause as a small business owner, but I took this time to rest, reflect, and make things the right way.

So here it is, after years of dreaming about this, I can finally welcome you to the Hôtel Weekend Club. I look forward to celebrate this launch next year, we have a few special gatherings and retreats coming on 2022 so we can all meet IRL again.

I hope you love this space!
