Travelers: Gimaguas in Formentera

Spanish designers and twin sisters Sayana and Claudia Durany travels around the world inspired them to create their own brand back in 2016. Since then, Gimaguas has been a favorite of all of us souvenir-collectors. We spoke to Claudia and Sayana about their favorite sun-soaked destination.: Formentera, Ibiza’s sister island and the smallest of the Balearic. Read below to discover their must-go places to eat, skinny dip, and souvenir shop.

Why is it the perfect getaway?

We feel Formentera has something special and captivating. The island is so small you don’t have to worry about planning too much. It is very intimate and unique starting with the ferry to get there, its clear water, its sunset. Here you can really forget about everything and get into the island flow.

When is the best time to go?

June or September would be the best time to visit the island to relax and avoid the possible crowd. July and August gets more energetic and fun.

Where to wake up? 

Casa Serena, Mitjorn km 8,9

How about breakfast? 

Our routine is at Cana Pepa in San Francesc or Blat picat on the road in Sant Ferran is also a favourite, for a more healthy choice.

Your all time favorite restaurant for lunch? 

Es Codol Foradat for best views and food. Authentic place, not too fancy. Go for the Carpaccio de gambas and paella.

Best untapped beach? 

Cala en Baster. You might get lost on the way there, but the walk is worth it. Strongly recomend it for an afternoon swim.

Best local food? 

Can Carlitos. Most delicious mediterranean food in town by catalan chef Juvany. If you get the first service you get to see the sunset in front of you . Late dinner and drinks is also a good choice.

Where to find the best souvenirs? 

Best beach dresses at Balafia and unique pieces at Yemanja.

Where do we go for dinner? 

Can Carlos for an intimate time or Macondo for a chilled pizza and caipiroska night

Best place to take in the sunset?

Cala Saona chiringuito up in the hill.

Where to go dancing?

Blue bar

Something that surprised you?

The light on the rocks  you get during the sunset and the smell of fig trees. 

Something only a local would know? 

Chiringuito in km 6,open air cinemas and flower power nights in the local plazas.

A tourist trap to avoid?

The beaches in Illetes. Although it is a must if you go off season.

How are you inspired by this destination for your brand?

By the way we dress in the island: barefoot and clothe-less.

Formentera’s  best kept secret?

Espalmador, try to go there on a boat and get lost there. 


The Healing Power of Travel


Travelers: Katie James in Tulum